Fly Demon Encounter/ExperienceŽ
(Written by Kimberly J. S.: 8/19/01)

                Sometime in the year 1993 late in the summer while I was around 17 and was attending a private high school, I had had a very difficult and stressful day and went home almost in tears and was very distraught. I wanted to give up and not live anymore and explained how I was feeling to my mother while in my bedroom.

      After my mother and I had talked for around a half an hour, I chose to sit on the bed in my bedroom and was still quite upset as well as depressed on how my day went. I remembered my mother telling to me with great emphasis to never use the Ouija board or do automatic handwriting while you're angry, depressed, drinking alcoholic beverages or using drugs because by doing one or more of these, one will usually attract or come into contact with
something or someone who's not very good.

      Of course, I didn't heed her warning and sat up in my bed and chose to do automatic handwriting anyway mostly to see what I could've wound up contacting because of the way I was feeling. In doing that, I indeed wound up coming into contact with some kind of horribly evil being or entity of sorts. I can't quite recall what it had chosen to call itself or even if it said it was called something or not. I don't really even remember what it had said to me or the types of questions I had asked it either.

      Anyway, sometime the very following morning around an hour before I had to wake up to go back to high school, I woke up in the state of consciousness where you are between wake and sleep and had a very unusual experience/encounter that I can still easily recall to this very day. I was lying on my back on the left hand side of my bed and suddenly and very
clearly saw some kind of strange translucenty being that was around 2-2 feet tall. It was a ghostly white with two black downward half circular eyes with white spots all over its body and was just sitting there staring at me intently around 2-3 inches away from the left hand side of my body while it sat on my bed.

      This being gave off a very unique and mysterious other worldly or other dimensional feeling and never said a thing to me the whole time I had encountered it. For some weird reason, I got a strong urge to move my left hand up and pinched its left front arm. Almost instantly after I had pinched it, it came right back and pinched my left arm too. This indeed was very
strange that it had decided to pinch me right back and feel that the exact same amount of pain I had chosen to inflict upon it, it had given me right back! It basically had decided to imitate and hurt me like I had for some reason hurt it. I can't quite understand why I wanted to pinch it, maybe to further verify if it was real and was really there or not, I really don't know why, but that's just my guess...

      The following weeks as well as months that went by, many strange things would continue happening around the inside of the house and my mother, father and especially brother said that they could feel a sense of evil or an evil presence in the house. They looked at me as though I was responsible for this happening, and I was. I kind of wonder how they knew that?

      One of the main things that started happening was flies as well as maggots (on the floors) started to continuously appear in the house, but only on the first and basement levels. It wound up getting to the point where my mother had to buy and place many fly tapes in the kitchen as well as the other rooms to catch all of them.

      Another odd thing my mother as well as my bother and father noticed about these flies was that they were empty whenever they swatted them. I didn't notice this for some weird reason but they were kind of strange though to me as well. My parents and brother weren't leaving the doors or windows open or anything, so this is another reason why these flies and maggots were so strange. How could they just have kept appearing in the house then? They basically seemed to just have been coming out of nowhere from inside of the house!

      One morning my mother woke up before me to go down into the basement to exercise and whenever I did wake up, I went downstairs and she said that she couldn't exercise because there was a large cyclone or swarm of flies in the basement so she had to stop. This was the last draw for my mother who is empathic and she decided to tell me that she was going to bring out one of her cassette tapes to banish this entity out of the house. I was kind of
upset in hearing this from her, so, I got my backpack and sat outside in the front of the house while she was inside playing the tape waiting for the small bus to pick me up for school. Not much later, she stepped outside and told me she was done and it had left and shut the door and went back inside of the house.

      In a sense, I was angry that she had done this and figured out the whole thing including that I was responsible for contacting this being. In another sense, I was really glad that she had banished this nasty thing out of the house because having that many flies and maggots inside of one's house in certainly not a good thing to have, and they were annoying especially due to there being so many of them instead of just one or two.

      Later on, I went down into the basement and kind of noticed that there was a long, thin crack going across the middle of the basement floor which could've been how these flies were appearing throughout the house. Maybe this entity came up from another lower dimensional realm and I had attracted and contacted it because of the negative feeling I felt whenever I was doing automatic handwriting. This true story just goes to show that there are many
unseen beings as well as entities who exist on other realms. They can be attracted to us by how we are feeling at the time we try to contact them which can be quite a dangerous thing to do if one is not experienced in trying to accomplish this. Maybe this being had appeared to warn me to protect myself and to not ever do this again while I'm angry or depressed and
was there to teach me this as well as give me this important message. Who really knows though. It very well could've just been there because it felt it was allowed to be and wanted to hang around to learn what it could from us. It also could've been some kind of elemental who is responsible for creating flies and maggots or maybe may have been, Beelzebub himself, the Lord of the flies... ;)

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