IO Subsys Error

1)Boot to bios, Check the floppy drives (should have floppy A enabled to 1.44, floppy B disabled)

2)make sure Zip is not being autotyped ( set to None ) in BIOS

Do this all in COMMAND PROMPT ONLY (On the same boot):

(In the c:\ directory)
1) Delete or rename autoexec.bat
2) delete or rename config.sys
3) Delete DBLSPACE.BIN (in the windows directory)

1) Rename smartdrv.exe to smart.exe
2) deltree temp (and md temp when its done) (in the windows\system\iosubsys directory)

1) delete RMM.PDR

If all else fails, delete the listings for sound video game controllers in safe mode OR delete ISAPNP, MF, ESDI and SCSI from underneath ENUM in the registry.

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