Pamela Chilton and Hugh Harmon's Practice

Hello Mike, This is Pamela. 

I am Dr. Harmon's partner and also work with spirit attachments.  I handle the e-mail so I'm writing the reply.  I'll also show Hugh your email and your website, which I just checked out.  So no doubt he'll have input to share unless I cover it all, as I am "wont" to do.  Please read Chapter 7 in our book, "Odyssey of the Soul", which is posted on website below.    As you seem to be well aware, most "possessions" are not possessions in the "classic" sense unless the people allow them to be.  (The last story in Chapter 7 is such a case.)  People die.  They are not immediately "enlightened".  As one Higher Self put it:  "For Man does not die and move into the Light.  Man leaves the body at death and steps into the degree of Light Man has entered while in the body."   This means a person not "tuned within" by paying attention to dreams, intuition, hunches, feelings is often "shocked" to die.  Confused and angry, they either do not see their way to the Light or if they do they choose not to follow it.  This is especially true in traumatic deaths.  Uncomfortable without a physical body they "merge" or "attach" their energy bodies to the energy body of a person with a physical body.  Sometimes this is someone they know.  Sometimes this is someone who happens to be near who lets them in.  The subconscious must always give permission for this to happen.    The subconscious follows the directions given it by the conscious mind in the present AND the past.  If the subconscious knows a person would not be open to a controlling entity, the subconscious will not allow that one in.  If the subconscious knows a person would be open to a lost child, for example, it will let that one in.  Usually, the agreement is: This is not your body or your life.  You can be here with me, but you cannot use my body or interfere with my life.  Most agree to this.  Neither the attachment nor the "host" entity realizing that just the presence of another spirit in the energy field is taxing to the human body.  Sometimes people bond with the spirit attachment and begin, subtly or overtly, to allow more influence from that one.  This is especially true with loved ones or with family members to whom one is used to "giving over control." The use of drugs or any altered state in which one's intent is to "leave the body" without care or concern for its care and survival does open the subconscious to those who would seek to take over the body and the life of that person.   These are the more "demonic" possessions.  These spirit attachments are usually angry, controlling, stubborn, and often addicted to substances that create even more "madness" in the brain and mind. We work a great deal, Hugh and I, with spirit attachments in our separate, but joined, practice.  We each follow a similar procedure.  We  use NMR (chapter 4) to find whether spirit attachments are present and if so how many, what gender, age.  We can discover almost every thing about the spirit attachment through NMR, including their willingness to talk or not talk, to go or not go..  (Also see, on our home page, under the Index:  For Your Information and go to "NMR" and "Self-NMR".)  We then will guide the client into hypnosis and speak directly with the spirit attachment there.  Sometimes it is necessary to help them face and resolve their trauma, sometimes it isn't.  We speak of the Light and the options in the Light (which are many).   Sometimes, as when I worked with the Nazi officer, the most persuasive pull to the Light is the recognition one can "design" their own body and be reborn again.  Sometimes it is the recognition that they can go to the "soul" or "astral" world that parallels this world and finish out whatever unfinished business/dreams they left behind.  There are houses, cars, pets, people, food, drink, jobs, sex - everything there we have here. People are in "lighter" bodies and thought manifests everything much more quickly.  Most often, we then accompany the person to the Light in our mental bodies (mind) where they can see for themselves what is there for them.  The Light has NEVER held anyone back if they chose to go of their own free will.  Though the Light has, in my experience, sent a few "back" to finish up some business.  This is why neither Hugh nor I force any spirit attachment to leave.  Nor do we "trick" them into leaving.  We know the spirit attachment not ready to go to the Light will simply go to someone else.  Then the opportunity to help two people (that someone else and the spirit) is lost.  We know how important it is to speak WITH the spirit attachments, not just to them, so they can address their fears, confusion, concerns, and ultimately CHOOSE to check out the light and CHOOSE themselves to remain.  Spirits that are un-cooperative (and we find precious few of those, after talking with them) CAN be MADE to go IF the person to whom they are attached allows it.  People will SAY they WANT an attachment to go consciously, but if there is a subconscious need/desire for the attachment (fear, curiosity, interest, love for example) then it cannot be made to go.    It will simply "leave" temporarily - if a psychic is present or "tuning in", or NMR is done - but come back when the psychic leaves or "tunes" out, or the NMR is finished.  NMR - through the Higher Self or the cells - can tell if this has occurred.  No matter what anyone says, we know that no one - not even Light - can take away a spirit attachment - evil or otherwise - that the person is holding onto in some way.  How do we know?  Experience and Light itself has said this is so.  By the way, the way in which Dr. Harmon learned to work with spirit attachments was through the spirit attachments themselves.  They began to "come out" when a client was in hypnosis.  Hugh's own Higher Self guided him in guiding them to the Light.  Over the years ( 40 now) he learned a great deal from spirit attachments, their Higher Selves, and the Higher Selves of the people to whom they are attached.  Of course the use of NMR added enormous amounts of information.  .    We have done remote spirit releasement in this manner:  I guide Hugh into hypnosis.  I ask his Higher Self to contact the Higher Self of the person we are working with.  I speak with this Higher Self and ask about the situation.  If the Higher Self says the person we are working with is ready or open to having the attachment leave AND it is the person's higher good, I will then ask to speak with the spirit attachment(s).  I then speak with them.  Find out where they are in their thoughts about "The Light".  (Do they know about it, afraid of it, don't want to go there, why?, do they know the options there.)  I ask why they might want to stay, what they are looking for, searching for.  I do this even with "demonic" attachments, which in my experience are either very angry stubborn people or aliens.  Sometimes they have concerns about the person they are with - they feel they are keeping this person "safe" and "sane".   I will then speak to the person's subconscious self, helping it to understand his or her options for helping self - such as connecting with The Higher Self, getting help/therapy, and so on.  I will positively program the subconscious to get this help and connection to The Higher Self.  Usually, this will satisfy a spirit attachment who truly is concerned about the person.  If I find a spirit attachment that will not leave (rare) and the person's Higher Self and subconscious says the attachment is not needed/wanted - then the Light can be used to remove this one from the person.  I use a technique taught me by a Kahuna that not only removes the attachment, but keeps it from attaching to others.  I don't share this technique with others unless I know they are not "exorcist" types.  The reason is I know the awful consequences for trying to force the will of another.  It is a technique I use only in extreme situations and only when I know all other approaches have failed and the entity really is bent on destruction of its host.  In my ten years of extensive work with spirit attachments, I have only used it twice.  People working with spirit attachments MUST get the message that these humans and aliens are to be reasoned with, not banished.  There is no demonic force that can over rule the will of ones's spirit.    By the way, there is a race of aliens VERY active at this time as spirit attachments.  We've spoken with them many times.  They call themselves The Visitors.  They are very polite and very, very, very honest.  They have infested humans.  Their intent is to befriend us then rule us.  They feel we have abdicated our "right" to this planet and since we are about to destroy it for inhabitation by humans they feel they have a right to claim it for themselves.  They continually seek to convince Hugh and I that it is impossible to change this future at this late date.  Hugh and I know it is not.  People can protect themselves from The Visitors, but they must do so daily.  Like brushing teeth.  Surround self with a white Light and state:  "All entity attachments not to my higher good are removed from me by Light now." (Of course, this will not work with spirit attachments one is holding onto subconsciously.  It will, in most cases remove the Visitors unless one is consciously or subconsciously "playing" with them out of curiosity or ego.)  Then surround self  with a Golden Light to keep entity spirits seeking to attach out.  This method was given us by Light. By the way, Dorothy Nakasui is not a co-author of Odyssey of the Soul.  (She is an illustrator).  Master of Light is in the middle of Book II now.  Light is writing, I am typing.  Light describes itself as: The Light of Spirit.  The Light of Enlightenment.  The Light of The Creator.  The Light of Creation.  The Creator Energy.  The Act of Creation.  Book II of Odyssey is subtitled:  "Light:  The Act of Creation". You are doing fine work in helping people understand this natural part of living and dying.  It's always important that people not be frightened of their own spirits or spirit in general.   Again, read Chapter 7 on our website (below).  There are several stories of releasing spirit attachments there. Our Foundation is The Foundation For Research & Exploration of Mind Motivation.  (FREOMM) It is a non-profit teaching, healing,and research corporation founded in 1979 by Dr. Harmon.    Hugh just read this email and looked at your website and he adds his "YES!" to the material I've written.  Isn't the internet great?  Our website is, of course, Odyssey Of The Soul.

Pamela  Odyssey Of The Soul
Lighten Up!  Imagine A Light Filling You. Any Color You Choose. Surround & Fill The Earth w/ It Too

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