The World’s Problems Are Not Really Problems

Let me reiterate; the world’s problems are not really problems. They are symptoms.

A Simple Example:

First let me give a simple example to illustrate the difference between a problem and a symptom.

The average person believes that the symptoms of the common cold are the cold itself. But, as most of us may, or may not, know, they are just symptoms. They aren’t the cold itself. The cold is the virus, or bug, that is aided by a depressed immune system that’s allowed to manifest as a runny nose, and pains of all kinds; such as a sore throat. But we shouldn’t confuse these symptoms with the cold itself.

Once, when I was learning hypnotherapy, from Ed Martin, of Houston, Texas, he worked with a young lady who had a common cold. After a quick induction and regression / release technique, she came out of the light to medium trance and let the rest of us know that all of her cold symptoms were gone. Did he cure her cold? Obviously he did not do so. But her symptoms were (indeed) gone. I do not believe that this was a trick of any kind; and that she really did have the symptoms before (the trance session) but not afterwards.

So what happened in that very short trance session? Her subconscious mind released its attachments to all of the things which caused the bug to manifest with the symptoms of a common cold.

It works like this. The common human has cancer, and a plethora of other bugs, within it on a normal day to day basis. This fact is not in dispute in the allopathic world of medicine. But these are kept in check by the body’s immune system.

But, when extreme anger, or some other negative emotion, occurs within the body, its immune system drops tremendously. This drop allows the bug, whatever that may be, to run rampant in the body and manifest as disease.

Experiments have been done on couples who tend to argue. After the argument the attached instrumentation shows a remarkable drop in the couple’s immune system. The woman tends to have the larger drop; because she tends to be more emotional than the man. [Negative chi (energy) not only drops the immune system, but allows for many other negative events to occur as well.]

Now that you understand how most disease manifests, also, at the same time, don’t forget the lesson, above, regarding the difference between the bug and the symptoms. The symptoms (such as what we think of as a cold), though they may be thought of as the bug itself, are really just an end result of a number of other issues, such as the bug, the negative event, the subsequent negative emotions, then the subsequent drop in the immune system, etc.

The real problem with this cold is not the presence of the bug (as we all have this); nor even the drop in the immune system. The real underlying problem is the event that caused the negative reaction and the consequent influx of negative chi (energy). Or, rather, I should really say, the reaction to this event that led to the drop in the immune system; that then allowed the bug to run rampant causing the cold symptoms. The reaction to the negative event is the real issue.

Back To the Main Point

Now that we have a better understanding of disease in general, and the difference between a symptom of disease and the underlying problem / cause, we can go on to look at the real problems which are the underlying cause of the symptoms we believe are the problems; when they are really the symptoms.

First let us enumerate the symptoms. War, terrorism, crime, mental illness, suicide, road rage and marital discord are the ones that come to mind presently.

Let‘s first consider the fourth one mentioned, mental illness. Most mental health care workers understand that mental illness is either a conditioned response (to events of a negative nature), or is caused by chemical imbalance. But nobody ever asks the question, what causes chemical imbalance?

The answer is energetic imbalance. Any scientist, working at the atomic level, knows that all chemicals are made of energy. So any chemical imbalance, logically speaking, must be caused by energetic imbalance.

So the next question comes, what causes energetic imbalance? Here’s where it gets a little tricky. Proving that all physical matter is composed of, or inhabited by, spirit is not within the scope of this article. But, if you research the paranormal, you’ll find that spirits are far more common than is commonly perceived.

The plethora of TV shows in this area are slowly evolving human consciousness to align itself more closely with the truth in this area of understanding. This understanding has been suppressed by religious dogma for hundreds of years; at least in the west and in Europe; not so much in the Asian countries.

So, I have to just come out and say it; though you won’t believe me; most likely. Energetic imbalance is caused by energetic parasites that sit, typically, on the surface of the human body.


Charles Michael Beaver 

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