The second ghost encounter that I would mention is that of my wife and I in a hotel room on the coast of the state of Washington one foggy day 4 or 5 years ago (approx.). As we were about to fall asleep I heard a loud noise of paper crinkling in the bathroom. I got up, turned on the lights, went into the restroom and looked into the trash to see if there were any rats or other rodents in there. Nothing was in the bathroom. After going back to bed and turning off the lights, we heard another loud noise. This time it was a bang or thud type noise. Again I got up, turned on the lights of the hotel room and went into the bathroom to see if I could figure out what was going on. This time I found the toothpaste sitting in the middle of the bathroom at least 3 foot away from the back of the toilet bowl top that I had placed it on. It would have been impossible for it to have fallen off of the toilet and rolled that far away from it.